The lessons outlined below gradually build on each other. Please read through each lesson and complete the assigned tasks as we go along.
Let's Talk
Objective: Students will develop an understanding of community-engaged art practice by discussing the Mending Walls project.

Join the class Zoom for Day One
We will define community-engaged art practice through class discussion and interactive surveys.
Please refer to the Project Breakdown presentation that we will review in-class.
Register to the class website for full access.
Image courtesy of Mending Walls
Mending Walls Research (asynchronous )
Complete the research tasks:
Watch the Mending Walls documentary
Listen to at least two podcasts
Explore the website
Respond to the research prompts on the
Lesson 1 Google Jamboard-
Include your name so I know it was you ;)
You may add images and gifs to your written response (optional)​

Image courtesy of VPM
Objective: Students will explore larger concepts of the Mending Walls mural project
Let's Explore

Independent Deep Dive (asynchronous )
Reflect on the ways the Mending Walls project has been used to address community issues via prompts on the Lesson 2 Jamboard
Include your name so I know it was you ;)
You may add images and gifs to your written response (optional)​
Image courtesy of Mending Walls
Creative Response (asynchronous )
Complete these two activities, post them on the class Instagram, then respond to a peer's post
Creative journal reflection of your personal connections with the Mending Walls murals
Photo documentation of local community
Post pictures that relate your personal experiences to Mending Walls

Image courtesy of @emmalillys
Objective: Students will break into groups to reflect more deeply on a select mural concept
Let's Reflect

Identity Mapping Activity (asynchronous )
(Click image to zoom)
Join project discussion on Zoom
Brief check-in presentation
Group reflection on research- discuss key takeaways and personal connections
Identify visual essay components as a group
(main idea, supporting evidence, and impact) -
Submit one visual essay per group to your group's folder in the Resources folder

Image courtesy of Katrina Taggart-Hecksher
Objective: Students will create a reflective art board piece in response to their select murals.
Let's Respond
Creative Making (asynchronous )
Watch tutorial video before you start
Create an art board on Picsart for your visual essay component (i.e. responding to the mural you selected) and upload to class Instagram
Remix a groupmate’s art board
Develop a response chain within your groups (get instructional guidance)
Leave feedback and meet in groups
Feedback loop with peers on class Instagram
Respond to at least two art board posts
Comment on what you see, think, feel, or wonder (refer back to Lesson 2 prompts)​
Gather back with your group members on the class Zoom to develop Jamboard presentations.
View presentation criteria here​

Let's Celebrate
Objective: Students will analyze how collaborative efforts can build solidarity through discussion of their group’s final pieces.
Group Presentations (asynchronous )
Virtual Gallery Walk and feedback
Go through each group's presentation
Add at least three sticky notes on each group's Jamboard
What is the impact of the concept being addressed?
Final Class Gathering in Sprout
Interactive online discussion, reflecting on final group artwork/visual essays
Class discussion and project reflection
Analyze how collaborative efforts can build solidarity and trust
Image courtesy of @intoactionus